We are open-source

If you need data privacy and control over your data, you can self-host CourseLit.

With Teachable, you just can't!

Teachable vs CourseLit

Both platforms offer competing features, but CourseLit offers unlimited everything in a single plan so that you can focus on running your business instead of calculating which plan is right for you.

No transaction fees

  • Teachable's lower-tier plans take a cut from each sale you make.

  • CourseLit charges a flat monthly fee, with no transaction fees or limitations on student enrollment.

Unlimited Everything

  • Teachable offers a tiered pricing plan scheme where you have to spend more to unlock more features.

  • CourseLit offers every feature in a single plan.

Freedom to Migrate

  • Teachable does not offer a migration plan if you want to host your school on your own server.

  • CourseLit offers migration of your data from CourseLit.app to a self-hosted instance of CourseLit on your own server, for a one-time fee.

Powerful Page Builder

  • Teachable has a very basic page builder.

  • CourseLit's page builder is much more capable.

Open-Source vs Proprietary

  • Teachable is a proprietary platform, so you can't change anything.

  • CourseLit is open source, so you can easily extend its functionality on self-hosted instances.

"I no longer have to duct tape a lot of software together to run my online school"

Rajat Saxena - Founder, CodeLit.dev

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